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Detailed project accounting

 TransCAD provides the operator full visibility on the financial and commercial aspect of the transformer. This includes consideration of any equipment with the benefit of suppliers’ indexation. Any expense related to production and operation is carefully counted.

 It is possible to define budget thresholds’ alarms for basic items such as conductors, oil, core and steel.

Be up to date in your assessments

  • Configure your raw materials
  • Edit your items according to your purchasing currencies
  • Indexing Stock Exchange LME
  • Indexing of international currency
  • Auto re-calculating of manufacturing costs
  • Multiple rates derived for a given material
  • Manpower and processing costs
  • Logistical fees and costs
  • Cost per Lot
  • Cost of a complete transformer
  • Optional equipment surplus value
  • A rich and expansive list of equipments

Transformer costing module

 One major asset that makes TransCAD an essential tool, is its powerful costing module that allows you to have a concrete idea on the cost, along with the evolution of your project edition. With this module, you will be able to track your items that are part of your transformer’s design, from the purchase phase until the logistics and transformation fees.

 Each type of components listed is subject to a quantitative assessment that will alert you as soon as its availability level reaches the critical pre-adjusted threshold. TransCAD will then mention the reference in the shopping list, with the “Waiting for approval” status. pdf


chiffrage  Doing business in markets where the competition is so fierce requires both financial and synergistic visibility.

 Pass commands to your raw material suppliers must be done with the agility and the provisional spirit of the most experienced. These are the strengths of the TransCAD solution.  


 The level of detail that TransCAD can handle is so fine that it goes to the smaller ring. This leaves you with no doubt about your cost of production amounted to one decimal place!

 In addition, the ability to display the values per material lot or per group is as simple as any other constituent part of your transformer.

No uncertainty

incertitude  There is no need to venture into uncertainties related to some estimates. A detailed report of your amounts is at your disposal.

 You can also determine your additional purchasing needs for your mixed power categories.
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